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Weekly planning - 3 and 4 year old room

Please click on the links below to view the weekly planning and activities so that you can see what the children are learning in nursery. Photos of the activities are further down this page.

Photos/details of activities:

This week we have been discussing Oral hygiene by reading the story, What's that Smell? The children were able to relate to the key elements of successful tooth brushing, brushing morning and afternoon inside, under, at the back and don't forget your tongue. As well as other healthy practices for eating and avoiding sugar "sugar is bad and is in loads of sweeties". 

Outside we have been exploring the builders yard where we have been measuring tall, short, long and wide walls and towers. We have also been checking on the vegetables we started to plant last week to see if there is any progress so far, do we have any shoots?  

Next week we are discussing PANTS with the NSPCC Pantosaurus and I have attached a parents guide to read / watch on our Class dojo app for questions about this key area of the curriculum. We will also be exploring the mud kitchen, so old clothes and wellies on site please!

Our adult activity has been to demonstrate, model and promote the art and workshop table where I know many of you have received lovely paintings, pictures and large models this week, which have ranged from houses, to wands, to cards and some exploring of colour mixing. We have some very creative children who are trying very hard with their cutting skills too. 

This week the children have continued to build up their wormery and found a few friends who may find this a nice place to be and live. We have also dug over the vegetable patch ready for our new seeds. Whilst doing this, we found a crop of potatoes still in the ground, which we have washed, sliced and are making potato wedges with. 

Next week is child mental health week, where we will be promoting mini yoga and deep belly breathing as one of our calming techniques, when we become frustrated or dysregulated. 

This week the children have shown further interest in volcanoes, which started over filling in the water tray. They went onto collect a range of found materials and recyclables and using cutting and joining techniques, they assembled their construction around a bottle. This is for us to put the potion in next week, where we are going to mix a selection of ingredients and try to create lava!

We have also found and explored a range of bugs and minibeasts outside this week. A butterfly in Winter, spiders and worms were of particular enthusiasm and examined through the magnifying glasses. We then started to create a wormery and will continue to build this up next week, where we can add some worms to it and hopefully they will like their new home!

I am so proud of the children this week, who have really worked hard on their rehearsals for the Christmas sing a long, using their instruments and singing as we celebrate and finish learning the last songs. I am sure you will have heard a few at home. Staff and children ensuring we can put on a good performance for you all, but please remember this is a song a long and we expect you to join in too! 

The new intake for January began their visits where they were welcomed with open arms by your children happily showing them around the setting and introducing themselves and asking their names which was so lovely to see. They all helped to decorate the Christmas tree in the classroom and were able to spend time with their keyworkers and new friends. 

The farm on wheels visit was a lovely experience for the children on Wednesday, who were able to handle and feed the Nativity animals who visited Nursery. Racket the Donkey has been a firm favourite with children and staff and we can't believe he is now 20! "That's a massive number!". 

This week we are welcoming parents and carers in for our Christmas sing a long and are excited for the Disco and special visitor event on Friday. 


Last week we continued to freely access the snack area as and when required. Children are becoming increasingly independent in washing their hands, placing their pictures on the board and retrieving their snacks and water bottles. This is why it is still really important that food that may provide a choking hazard e.g. grapes in particular, are cut small and correctly. Children also have the option to choose milk and those children with allergies know to ask the teacher supervising the area, for their own special milk. Well done Children!
We will continue to explore nursery rhymes and Scrimbling patterns this week and we are really enjoying our music and movement sessions as we learn our Soundpot songs, using rhythm sticks to keep the beat. The children are getting really good at this now. This week we will be looking at comparisons in maths using size - incorporating dinosaurs, shells and nuts and bolts. We are also exploring our Forest Schools space and using the larger scale climbing and balancing equipment. Children would benefit from old trousers as the climbing tree is in use and also wellies in Nursery, due to the weather. The different pathways into the wooded area can get very muddy.  Invitations to our Christmas celebrations, the Christmas sing-a-long event and Disco, have been sent out and details are on the parent planning and website.  We do hope you are all able to come and celebrate with us to either or both events.


The children worked on our Physical development - playing ball skills, kicking, throwing and catching as we played games in circle time and the outdoor areas. We  also began to access snack routines independently throughout the session as and when we were hungry rather than at a set time, to encourage independence, health and self care skills. The children enjoyed being in the snack area altogether, similar to lunch club and chatting amongst themselves as we talked about healthy choices and why this is important and the impact of germs on our hands and tummies. 

Can all parents please be reminded grapes must to be cut lengthways as they are a high-risk safety concern for choking and a child did die in a private setting from this very hazard. Here is a link below to choking advice for your reference. 

The children all enjoyed celebrating Children In Need on Friday, wearing spots and stripes or any pattern. Thank you for the donations, we raised a total of £80.00 which I am sure will be gratefully received with the donations made during this National event. 

Next week we will continue to freely access the snack area as and when required. We will be exploring nursery rhymes and scrimbling patterns and start our music and movement sessions as we warm into Soundpots songs and singing sessions. 

Invitations to our Christmas celebrations - The Christmas sing a long event and Disco have been sent out and details are on the website.  

Early years food choking hazards - Foundation Years

Small fruits; Cut small round fruits like grapes, cherries, berries, strawberries and cherry tomatoes, into small pieces: cut lengthways and then again cut them in halves (quarters).

Healthy Lunch Box Ideas


This week the children were welcomed back after their half term break. They brought in the challenges to show and share and some of them were amazing, from leaf bowls, stick men and sea urchins which led to lots of lovely conversations about their holidays and adventures. 

We continued to explore the mud kitchen in the outdoor area, most children now mastering finding their wellies and independently putting them on. Many of us now persevering with putting our shoes back on. Keep trying everyone you can do it!

Indoors we enjoyed bracelet and necklace making in the workshop area and progressing our fine motor skills threading pasta onto ribbon and string as well as measuring the correct length.

This week we will be working on our Physical development - playing ball skills, kicking, throwing and catching as we play games in circle time and the outdoor areas. We will also be beginning to access snack routines independently throughout the session as and when we are hungry rather than at a set time, to encourage independence and health and self care skills.

Children are invited to celebrate and raise money for Children In Need on Friday. Wearing spots and stripes or any pattern you have, donations if you are able will be gratefully received in the office or on the gate on Friday for this event. 

Here is a link to the website and the good causes we will all be supporting! Thank you in advance. 

We're there for you- BBC Children in Need 

The Builders yard continued to be a busy place this week again. Children started to explore our loose parts play to make cars, engines, steering wheels and brakes and we will be extending and challenging this play more next week

We continued to observe transporting and trajectory schemas as children play in various spaces indoor and outdoor. You can read more about Play Schemas here : Types of Play Schemas

We are still adding photos and drawings to our family albums as they come in. If you have not done so already, please send in a family portrait for us, which can be emailed to Mrs Smith, if you don't have a printer at home. 

Next week, is our last week of the Autumn term which has gone very quickly and the children I am sure are ready for a short break in routine before commencing a busy Winter term. The children will continue to explore themselves next week, facial characteristics, similarities and differences as we use mirrors to examine our faces more closely and start to create our portraits. 

Key worker contact / Communication

Your child's key workers have made contact with you all now, we have started welcome stories and spotlight journals for your children via the Watch me Grow platform - iInvitations for which were sent out two weeks ago via your child's Oaklands email address. If anyone is struggling with this please do let me know. Should you have any other questions or important information you want to share, you can email them over to staff or myself, chat to us on the door if you feel this is appropriate at drop off time. If your conversation requires a more personal space, this can be arranged also! It's really important we get to know you as well as the children and you feel you can speak to us about things that are important to you and your child, no matter how big or small. 

Last week we continued to explore mini beasts which we found in the mud kitchen and outdoor environment. Children enjoyed looking through the magnifying glasses and using bug pots to enlarge the detail of some of these creatures and used our Information books to classify. 

The Builders yard has been a busy place this week also. We were transporting, travelling to work, taking orders for more bricks and building our independence changing into our wellies and shoes.

We talked about our families and created a family album, counting who has the most family members and the smallest, who has pets and who has not in a chart. If you have not done so already, please send in a family portrait for us to add to the album we have now started. This can be emailed to Mrs Smith, if you don't have a printer at home. 

Next week, the children will continue to access the mud kitchen sensory play combining soil and water for the perfect mud pie and to explore themselves, facial characteristics, similarities and differences as we start to create our portraits. 


Last week we explored spiders and mini beasts which we found in the classroom, lunch buckets and the outdoor environment. Children enjoyed looking through the magnifying glasses to enlarge the detail of some of these creatures and used our Information books to classify. 

Last week and this week we are continuing to talk about our families and creating a family album. All children and parents are asked to send in a family portrait for us to use in Nursery and share, of those special in our lives. This can be emailed to Mrs Smith, if you don't have a printer at home. 

Next week, the children will access the mud kitchen sensory play combining soil and water for the perfect mud pie. 

The parents' information evening took place Monday 2nd October at 6.30pm - should you have not been able to attend this a recording of the session is available and will be emailed out shortly.

Last we explored things that roll, an interest demonstrated in play by some children and have made ball slides, water slides, got inside things and rolled each other learning how to be safe and careful with our friends. We have talked about recycling, reusing and reducing waste in our environment and introduced recycling trays in lunch club. Children and parents are asked to bring in boxes and recyclables for modelling please for us to reuse, as modelling is something we do all year round. 

Next week we are talking about our families and creating a family album. All children and parents are asked to send in a family portrait for us to use in Nursery and share, of those special in our lives. This can be emailed to me also, if you don't have a printer at home. 

Snack / Drinks / Lunches

Each child requires daily - a water bottle, containing water only please, both milk and water are also offered at nursery and all staff are aware of any allergies that you have informed us of and have the necessary medication bags and care plans.  

A healthy choice of snack (2 if they are all day) and a balanced lunch box for our lunch club session. We have seen some lovely lunches already so thank you!

We do have a children with a nut allergy in the setting this year and we therefore request - no nuts, nutty bars / cereals are in your child's lunch boxes or snacks, thank you. If you have any specific concerns please speak to your keyworkers and we will always work with you to help with this. 

Your child's key workers made contact with you this week to introduce themselves, should you have any questions, you can email them over to them or myself, chat to us on the door if you feel this is appropriate at drop off time. If your conversation requires a more personal space, this can be arranged also! It's really important we get to know you as well as the children and you feel you can speak to us about things that are important to you and your child, no matter how big or small. 

The parents information evening is Monday 2nd October at 6.30pm via teams, invitations were sent out last week to your child's email address. This is the correct platform for this and should be accessed regularly for updates, parent workshops and information. We will also be sharing assessment and progress with you shortly via the same means so its really important you do log on and check this. 

Last week was our second week conducting home visits, settling the new intake into the setting and establishing new relationships. Meanwhile our existing cohort have come back and embraced the Nursery, their friends and some of the provision which has changed over the summer. Children overall have been happy to come into Nursery and settled well if there was any initial upset. We are all very proud of you children!

We have enjoyed the new water play area, with different size and depth of containers which has encouraged increased language and exploration in this space already. We have been happy to share stories about our holidays and enjoyed healthy snacks together in our keyworker groups. Guidance for snacks is as below if anyone is unsure about what the children need daily. 

Snack / Drinks / Lunches

Each child requires daily - a water bottle, containing water only ideally please, both milk and water are also offered at nursery and all staff are aware of any allergies that you have informed us of. Those who were in the 2yr old room previously, this has been handed over in transition along with any necessary medication bags and care plans.  

A healthy choice of snack and a balanced lunch box if they stay all day or attend a lunch club session. We have seen some lovely lunches already with our existing cohort so thank you!

Here is a typical example of the usual contents, which you can tailor to your child's taste of course. We appreciate some children can be fussy eaters, also like yoghurts and crisps and this is fine. We do however advise if you are including a "treat" to include one treat only please, something small - suggestions are as below. We are a healthy eating school and during the course will be also supporting your child with good dental hygiene practices, of which their daily sugar intake is a big part. We do have a child with a nut allergy in the setting this year and we therefore request - no nuts, nutty bars / cereals are in your child's lunch boxes or snacks, thank you. If you have any specific concerns please speak to your keyworkers and we will always work with you to help with this. 

Outdoors, we have embraced the garden and its never ending crop of peas, raspberries and extra large sunflowers trying to find which is the tallest. We have started to develop an understanding of turn taking and sharing on our favourite bike and some of us have been brave to persevere on the climbing wall and balancing equipment. 

Next week all children will be in on their fully allocated hours and we will be working hard to establish daily routines, learning some new songs to promote our listening and attention skills and understanding of numbers. 

Your child's key workers will be making contact with you next week to introduce themselves, should you have any questions, you can email them over to them or myself, chat to us on the door if you feel this is appropriate at drop off time. If your conversation requires a more personal space, this can be arranged also! 
