School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office - you can call us on 01782 987075 or email office@oaklands.staffs.sch.uk. Paper copies are available from the school office.
Safeguarding policies can be found under Key Information/Safeguarding Safeguarding | Oaklands Nursery
Curriculum related policies can be found under Key Information/Curriculum Curriculum | Oaklands Nursery
Please click on the following links to download our policies/documents:
Infectious diseases
A parent's guide about illnesses and when you should keep your child off school
Other policies (in alphabetical order)
- Accident and Injury policy 2023.pdf
- Admissions Policy 2024-25 -Final.pdf
- Allergen and Anaphylaxis Policy 2024.pdf
- Anti-bullying Policy 2024.pdf
- Assessment Policy 2023.pdf
- Asthma Policy 2024.pdf
- Attendance Policy 2023.pdf
- Nurture relationships for supporting Behaviour Policy-Final.pdf
- Charges and Remissions Policy 2024.pdf
- Code of Conduct for Parents and Carers 2024.pdf
- Complaints Policy.pdf
- Data Protection Policy 2024.pdf
- Data Retention Policy 2024-updated.pdf
- Debt Recovery (SCC) Policy - 2024.pdf
- Early Years LAC Policy.pdf
- Educational_Visits_Policy_2022 .docx.pdf
- Food Policy-healty eating 2023-24.pdf
- Freedom of Information Policy 2024.pdf
- Health and Safety Policy 2024.pdf
- Home Visit Policy 2024.pdf
- Information Security Policy 2024.pdf
- Intimate Care Policy 2023-24.pdf
- Local Area Visits Policy 2024.pdf
- Looked after children (LAC) Policy 2023-24.pdf
- Medical Conditions Policy 2024.pdf
- Online_Safety Policy_2023.pdf
- Peristent or Vexatious Complainants 2021.pdf
- Photography and Images Policy 2024 -Final.pdf
- Planning Policy 2023.pdf
- Pupil Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy 2024.pdf
- School Closures 2023-24.pdf
- Security Policy 2023-24.pdf
- Sick children policy
- Sleep Policy 2024.pdf
- Smoke-Free_Policy _2024.pdf
- Social Media Policy 2023-24.pdf
- Societas Trust approach to code of conduct and social media 2023.pdf
- Societas Trust approach to lateness Adult version 2023.pdf
- Societas Trust approach to lateness Child version 2023.pdf
- Staffing List 2024.pdf
- Supervision (children) Policy 2024.pdf